Friday, February 5, 2010

YHWH Passion

There's a fire in my heart,
a flame to worship Him.
A craving for His love;
Oh! you world,why are you so dim?

Rise up in praise and adoration,
let your blood shout to be sanctified.
Let your tongue not cease in exultation;
Have you forgotten how brutally He was crucified?

His beauty shines brighter than the sun.
Oh! His mercies flow ever so humbly for us;
His cozy touch makes rivers flow from my eyes,like a crazy exuberant lover,after Him i run.

He is my Yahweh,my father,my friend,my passion.
He has woven my world around Him;
Picking me up from all those innumerable people,He has created me in a perfect fashion.

Oh! Lord my God this fire will burn in me till eternity,
igniting my very soul that yearns for Your heaven.
My well of earthly words dries out;
Oh! how I write of Your omniscience and when You forgive me seventy times seven.

He dwells in my every cell,
making my deepest cores holy and sacred.
He holds my hand and leads me on His path;
Cleansing away all my impurities,my grievous frailties and all my hatred.

Come now all you nations,
He has manifested Himself as your only way.
He created me in His image,the perfect garment;
Come now oh! you sinful world and see while you can,that this is my father,this is my Yahweh.